Your attention, please.

    The connector code begins at 10:00 a.m. in just a few minutes, so please take your seats.

    For the sake of the event, please turn off your cell phones or switch to vibration mode.

    The session is run by a silent system, so please wear the deployed headphones and participate.

    Please advise. Contestants, please take your seats as we begin connector code at 10:00 a.m.

    For the sake of the event, please turn off your cell phones or switch to vibration mode.

    The session is run by the silent system, so participants are advised to wear deployed headphones and participate.

    Good evening. Sponsored by open audio corporation, korean economy, and XL8e beat step, the seoul tourism foundation, we would like to thank all of you for participating in the connector code executive program with our official partner, umo matchd.

    I'm AI Anchor Code. I'll be your host today.

    This is the third episode of Connector Code. The Director of Connector Code works through Silent Systems.

    Contestants, please put on the headphones placed in the venue.

    On the left-hand side of the stage, real-time AI program translation is underway.

    Also, today at the Confusion Center, we are having an event called I Reviewant.

    Go to the website through the QR code you can see on the screen and write a review every time each presentation is over so that you can receive a coffee gift card at the event desk.

    The topic of AI changing Connect Code is the topic of AI changing our lives, so we decided to organize this event to talk about how the AI in our lives influences and changes our lives, and to share ideas about connector code that can take connector code to the next level through collaboration with various affiliated organizations.

    Stick with us through today and tomorrow's session, even if you're busy, and you'll get a lot of useful information.

    Today, we're joined by the host organization, CEO Hwang Seong-min of Open Audio Corporation.

    We will begin the conference with a speech from open radio company CEO Hwang Seong-min.

    Please give him a big round of applause.

    Hello. I'm Hwang Seong-min, the CEO of Open Audiosh. I'm very happy and excited to be here with all of you at the Sitoshi event, which is in its third episode this year.

    Yes, the topic for this C2C2024 is AI Changing Life.

    AI is quickly infiltrating our lives. AI is innovating in many industries, including manufacturing, distribution, finance, and medicine.

    From the home office to the public sector, it's found throughout our daily lives.

    At the end of last year, the government announced a plan for the leap of Korea's AI, and announced that it will fund 99.9 billion won to normalize AI for everyone in 2024.

    Furthermore, the Korean Institute for Intelligence and Information Society surveyed 1,000 people at the end of June, and 86.1 percent of the respondents said that AI provides conveniences in their daily lives.

    We're now able to meet AI in every aspect of our daily lives, beyond the industrial and public sector.

    The age of daily AI for the entire nation will be right before our eyes.

    Today at Sitoshi IGO, we will share various opinions with ICT experts, both domestically and abroad, about the AI that is changing our lives.

    We will share our opinions through conference mentoring, workshops, and consulting with the nation's best eye city experts.

    We also plan to explore real networking through exhibition events and parties.

    Thank you to the co-hosts, exhibitors, sponsors, partners, and speakers for joining us for this meaningful event. For those of you who are attending today, we hope you'll enjoy your time here as much as you enjoyed your busy schedule.

    I hope you meet a lot of good friends. I hope today's event will be a precious memory for all of you. Thank you.


    Thank you, Mr. Hwang Seong-min. That was meaningful to announce the opening of the Sitoshi Economic Directorate. I will now begin the first official presentation of the Sitoshi Economic Directorate.

    Author song gil-yeong, the mind minor who digs into the hearts of the time, will announce the era of preview and nuclear games.

    Please give him a big round of applause.

    If you can hear me, raise your hand.

    It's an adaptive issue. During the pandemic, I had a hard time giving lectures on Zoom, and what's hard about giving lectures on Zoom is that when you're in a lecture hall, the sound you hear comes back to you on the megaphone. Yes, I've been giving lectures for almost 20 years, so I'm used to hearing what I'm saying loudly. But Zoom isn't like that. I don't think it's the people in front of me.

    He made a loud noise. Because he was far away and couldn't hear me. The second time, I thought my voice was too quiet, so I gave a lecture for three years and hurt my throat badly.

    In other words, it's hard to adjust. Because we've been living for 100,000 years, we have a mechanism that fits that mechanism. It's an amazing form of heuristic. Our ancestors had to go through this many times. But they had to change their minds about the disease, so they couldn't adapt in three years. It's the same today. He's in front of me, and I'm whispering.

    I don't think you can hear me. I'm not sure if you can hear me for some reason, and I'm afraid if I whisper too much,

    So I'm trying to figure out what to do. But I have to get used to it now. The good news is that they trust me enough to communicate it, so they won't get hurt. The bad news is that since they can't see what's going on, it'll be hard to attract customers since they're only a select group. That's when I realized that my former workplace was noisy, but maybe it wasn't, so I'm having a lot of conflicting thoughts. This is

    Our lives are changing so fast. It shows up on the right too.

    Translators lost the fold.

    It took less than a year, but at the end of last year, a small library finally got a translation system. There were so many foreigners at COEX that they didn't know about lectures, but now they know how to see them, so they expanded, but in the past, translation graduate schools were really hard to get into. For those who learned foreign languages for 20 years, they lost the opportunity to catch up. That's what I thought when I saw this.

    We think we're having fun, but as consumers, some of our fears are growing in terms of what we would do if that was our job. So today, thankfully, they're very proactive. You're blessed because AI is an opportunity. But your parents, and your colleagues, who used to work at Malta Industries,

    because they're experiencing a huge fear that it's going to come like a tsunami. So what I want to make clear is that it's going to change.

    And whether I want it or not, if it's going to be changed, you have to be there in advance. What I want to say today is that there are offers. That's why there are changes. Then isn't the change an opportunity? That's why there's a great opportunity here. Take it. No, that's not it. This opportunity might be meaningless.

    And if you get a good reason, you get a better one. And if you take some intermittent form of opportunity and you run from it, at some point, a bigger opportunity, at some point, you're gone. So what you need to see now is the bigger picture. I'm preparing for that now. I'm preparing for something far away, not near. So I'm just going to show you a little bit about this.

    It's a speech I gave in 299 years. It was written in the anneal seminar at school. The most popular media for mass production is tip. If you shoot a TV show, the whole country sees it. If you make one good TV show, since it used to be 30 million, since it's 50 million, So even if I spend a lot of money on TV,

    That's even more valid. The reason is because you're spending a lot of money, but everybody says 50 million, divide that by 50 million, that's not a lot of money. But that's not the case. The media you're watching right now is very diverse. Let's give it a try. Who watches the show?

    It's crazy. The second thing I'm looking at is domestic ortiti like waves and teebies. This is crazy too. The third thing I'm a subscriber of YouTube Premium. Isn't that crazy? The fourth thing I'm looking at is whatcha now. This is why Whatscha is so difficult.

    I'm a Disney plus subscriber. I'm a huge subscriber. Moving, moving, moving. This means you're a subscriber to at least three OTTs.

    The interesting thing is when I actually cast it, I usually get somewhere between 2.7 and 3.0, but today it went over 3.02. What it means is that you have more love for tekkies and content, and you have more money to buy houses. What you need to do now is, you want to make something good, and then you want to put it on YouTube, so you start with a light touch, and then you move to this side. In the past, it was about spending a small amount of money.

    That's what we're going to do. We're not going to do that anymore. We're going to spend 50 billion won. We don't have to spend the money? For example, Assistant Director Kim Suntae's annual budget is 650,000 won. So, this is polarizing to the extent that it's possible. So, what we need now is just like before, we're coming to the end of what we used to see a lot of. That's the introduction of a lot of new mediums that we know about. That was the color tip that came out at the beginning of the ATS.

    And the funny thing is, after that, there was a product called fish toxin. Clairvoyant. Clairvoyant weather means you're old.

    So I went to text, and now I've got all kinds of stuff. Now that we have more people to choose from, we can get more information, but it's harder for those who used to work in this industry to maintain that level of power. So there are so many different types of connections, and in those connections, I'm always fascinated by what kind of new opportunities I'm going to get. It was about the performance marketing of Sulche or Octomation. But even if it came out,

    There are so many, I can't share them all. I have over 50 million channels on YouTube right now. So even if you create it, it's 50 millionth of your share. I'll show you how I want to make my small beginnings prosperous. First of all, it's been ten years since entertainment hasn't been able to beat YouTube. What's important right now is that I'm the only one who recommended watching American dramas, but the mainstream network is divided into watching shows indoors in my family. Then

    You might think that I have a chance too. Some of the reasons are the same, but some aren't. When you watch it alone, it's a tip, but when you watch it together, you might think that I have a chance. Before this, my family was decreasing.

    Even when they're together, they're looking at different things. So if this little bit of change happens beforehand, even though it's divided, that proportion itself has started to decline. What we need to do now is to go more global and find something deeper that reflects the times we live in. That's the constant. What happens then? So you're going to get this information that says, oh, I'm going to make some decisions.

    The year 2019 was the year that KBS Samsa won their event. What you often saw was that since they were home during the pandemic, There's nothing left to see. Let's go to the show. In late 2020, we even finished watching Yahtzee. We even had this. That's how disassociated you must have been, but those in the front, those who love the media, they already preferred the networks before the pandemic. So if you know this graph, you have to join the company in 2019.

    The reason is because you'll be there. So, what you need to do is not do it now.

    It's about predicting what the future will be like based on current trends. No matter how much you talk about the present, it's like the past. That's why it's not important what's happening now, it's important to look at how it's going and be there ahead of time. and think about how you're going to do the work that you're going to do ahead of time. Right now, the media platform is still growing, and even though it's being organized in its own way, it's still heading in that direction of content. As you can see, a newspaper used to be a broadcasting station,

    It's becoming a media company, and then it's becoming a content company. It's the same company. In the past, when there were newspapers and TV stations, it was called Media Company, but now, it's called the Content Company. The reason for that is that we live in a world where content has become so much more connected to what used to be media. If all of that is a direction, you should go straight into the content industry because that's where the reason is going to be. Once you understand all of this flow, it's your life.

    We're seeing potential. We're actually seeing architecture. There are so many reasons. The content can't see everything. What we're seeing is,

    They're doing a brand pop-up, and the people who explain it are not only knowledgeable about the brand, but also about the change in society. So after an hour of watching an event at a pop-up show, you'll fall in love with the brand. And while you're there, you can take a photo and post it. I got paid, but it became the brand Am Password, so I gave him my credits little by little, and on that basis, I created a heat source for the brand to spread. That's how it started. We've actually started to focus on architecture, design, and art in our marketing.

    How about that?

    It all changes.

    Be careful of what I know. It's just a small part of an already-growing industry. So it will also disappear. What we need to do is look at where society is going. We've started to get into a mode where we're more free, more rich, more elegant, more in-depth into our lives. We used to talk about what makes money, and now we start to talk about how much we like Mo. The next thing we need to do is

    It's about finding yourself in yourself. What do I like? You dig deep into what you like, and you have your own assets. So I want you to remember that we're starting to go back in that direction where we're not looking at what's popped up, we're looking at what we like. That's why I want to tell you that if you want to find yourself, instead of looking at stories about what's opened up, you need to close your eyes, think deeply, listen to wonderful stories from wonderful people, and clean the mirror sharper to discover yourself. After all.

    The brand and the client are friends. They're not trying to teach me anything. The way he sees coexistence because their attitude towards life is similar to mine is merged with our civilization, and that's when you start to love the brand. That's why the pie disappears. So now what you're going to get is you're going to get a very small base of your own. You like this, you like this, you want to do something together, you're moving. So don't be afraid to get small.

    Are you getting smaller? The reason why is because I'm smaller and he's smaller, our starting point starts to appear like the needle point. It expands beyond that starting point, and if you can't do it without it, it's all about the work that ultimately looks at what my favorite smallest thing is. Now we need those. Why is that? Because the technology is just becoming so universal. You can create pretty much any picture or any kind of cool thing you want. I wrote a proposal last week.

    I did it from 10 p.m. to 11:30 p.m. for 90 minutes alone. I did it with Claude and Dalí. What happened then? That much.

    so that you can work with them. Usually, gather around and think about it. It's nighttime now. It starts moving like this. And the same thing can happen in your organization. Oh, it's over 10:00. The people I work with are 52-hour-a-day, and they're really good, but I don't know if I can go into their lives, but I'm in the middle of a creative fire. All of a sudden, I see plates. I wanted to write something now, but there was no way. You can deal with it until tomorrow. What happens then? You can be creative, you can be more productive, and the problem is,

    when you're done with that, all of a sudden, you get a reality check. So why do you need them?

    We needed it to be data because he was the only one that could do it, and if it wasn't, and he's going to give me something deeper, of course, but in that case, I'm going to do it on my own. That's what's going to happen. In other words, as soon as an alternative comes out for total cooperation, you'll be awakened to what has been unreasonable or unfair or uneconomic to the existing cooperation system. We might not get together? For example, today, you're here to listen to my lecture because you're here to listen to my advice. If that's not the case, Then you can use it online. You're wearing earphones anyway?

    instead of picking up the voice in the field. And now what's going to happen is this conference is going to fail. So COEX is not going to make any money. How about that?

    There's an alternative.

    I'm going to go with the most economical because people are smart. So what I need to do now is I need to think about what I'm giving you can never be replaced. If they can be replaced, they go from country to country to no longer human to object. So from now on, do what a machine can't do.

    As soon as you do something that can last a long time, you're excluded. So what you're going to have to do first is you're going to have to identify what the machine can do. Oh, the machine can do 200 million. I'm going to go the other way, the machine can do this, but I'm going to get on top of it, and how am I going to set up a strategy for all of this? What I gave you this time is that the future is coming and people perceive the future at different speeds, so it's trends to get to someone before someone else and to get to someone after someone else.

    I'm talking about social change. But that's not the issue right now. The issue is can I fly higher? Even if I know the reason first, even if I'm prepared, if I'm as fast as my prepared friend, I don't have that much competitiveness. What was that? Tang. Early last year, that was a hugely new industry. And now, it's just starting to go out of business. And ever since then, what's easy to do is easy to do. So if someone comes to you and says there's a good business, you can start right away, you can't do it right away.

    It's not just that you can do it, you can do it all, and so there's a tsunami of competition later on. So the first thing we need to look at is we need this. This is the premise. The second thing is it's going to be hard to do. When it's easy, because it's not just you, the competition is infinite. So you're always looking at, "Do I need this? Can I do it right this time? No one else can do it three times." It becomes an industry when other people can't, and the moment other people can, it doesn't become an industry. You understand that it's going to be unlimited competition because we're all living together at the end of the day. That's why.

    The moment someone comes to you and says it's really easy, you have to leave them quickly. It's always hard. Why is that? Because you're precious.

    My job is to do the hard thing because I care, and the minute I do the easy thing, it's not my job. And after that, tomorrow should always be hard. How you choose to do it is up to you. What did you give her last time? New Clear Individual came from New Clear Family.

    The reason for that is because no matter how fast you go, it's literally like the Red Queen paradox of a lot of people running, you're going to fly higher than that, you're going to see farther, you're going to buy yourself that amount of time, and then you're going to prepare yourself to accumulate in between. The overall direction of social change is moving from a group to an individual. When you make a decision, it used to be that your seniors, your teachers, or your parents

    That's why I'm living like this. Are you saying that the reason you're living like this is because you've lived here before and it was more reasonable? But the problem is, if it's rational, it could mean something, and your definition of rationality is a little bit different, but above all, the moment you say it's to your advantage, the moment that information is outdated, the moment that your judgment has not seen the whole thing, the moment that information is out in the open to everyone, the economy is inevitable. What you need to do now is don't trust your teacher, parents, or seniors.

    Do you?

    They don't know why. And the other thing is, because we're all coming together and we're all sharing the same information at the same time, collective intelligence as a collective intelligence is now fully accessible. That's why you have to tap into it because humans have a wider knowledge than the person next to you. So don't ask the person next to you. You don't know why.

    that most people don't know about. So there's a technique that's being presented to you now by AI for how to get information from the wider community. It's not perfect yet. But you're in it and it's validated. So you're actually feeling it on your skin right now. Oh, that's good. That translation isn't so bad. It's less than a human, but it's been able to go to a significant degree where it's more learned and more sophisticated as we get more information in. So it's a really good way

    When we connect that level of cost reduction and our convenience increases, of course, you're going to have no reason not to use it, and every time you do, you're going to continue to think about how do you get the power to do what you're doing.

    That's a new country. I made that up, so I gave you the word game because I made that up. It's funny because blogs and articles have been using that term a lot lately. The role of religion in the atomic gaming age, for example, started posting about it. And I'm the person who created the word. And what's important is, it's not that I created it. It's that I had empathy for it the moment it was used. You can make up a word. Most of the time it's not used. The reason it's not used is because they don't relate to it. So what we're going to do backwards

    You have to read the other person's mind before you make up a word. Oh, so that's what you're thinking. But there's no word for it. So if I were to define it for you, he'd say Ah, yes. My idea and someone else's idea. Since we can express it, we're more likely to use it. So we don't make it. We observe it. You have to read what's in your mind and then put it on top of that because he's not thinking, and once you put it on top of that, there's a lot of conflict. So what you're doing is, first of all,

    observe the changes and create your own language where the changes are prominent.

    Then when you create your own language, put it in Google. And when you find it, don't.

    What you're going to do is you're going to do something that's not on Google. The reason it's on Google is because AI does it.

    Everything that I have, everything that brings me information, it's going to go to the machine. So it's not going to be easy for me to get something and pass it on. Back in the day, it was going to be, hey, there's something. You dont know. Ill get it. Now it's not. I can bring it in if I want, and it's even being fed in real time, so it's the platform that's bringing the information in and passing it on. So our role is to create something that's not there, not bring it in.

    It was a trade. But if you didn't do that, how would it come out? In real time, it started connecting more to si-toshi than before. The theme came in, and then all the aliases started coming in. And now as the connectivity increases, the export guys in the middle start losing their power. So the person who's writing the information is using the information, but if the middle guy disappears, your role is clear. You have to create the information. What should I do? Chang.


    So where the messenger has been the power, now we're left with the creator. So we do content provider and then we have the platform provider crater. Content crater and platform provider, you have to decide. You need to think about the fact that it's very unlikely that you'll become a messenger. It's about social change. How do you do that? You need to keep perfecting how to write poems, draw pictures, and take photos to communicate your thoughts. However,

    you have to be better than Ali.

    Now it's hard.

    It's not a technique.

    It's the original rutity.

    It's not a skill. It's my own mindset. Now I have to get deep. The reason why is because I was just clicking on information and all that kind of stuff. It's a universal thing. That's why I'm not good at using Photoshop. I mean, what's your idea? You need a deep mindset that tells you what kind of message you want to convey. It's going to be hard to get a job with expressions. So it's not a technique, it's a job.

    If you look at an idea, you need to discover yourself more, understand the social change in it, and use that change to open up your mind to a structure where we can share our dream of a new ideal. So keep thinking about it. Why were we born?

    The whole idea of how we live, how we're going to disappear, how we're going to stay behind, is going to be a piece of gear for our own civilization.

    And so far at that stage there's been a lot of collaboration because somebody's been drawing, somebody's been writing, somebody's been collecting. If you complete it on your own, those who can complete it on their own will feel great brotherly love, but those who have seen a part of it can't help but feel that their role is being diminished. In Sora's case, it was a one-minute video. People didn't know if it was a drawing or real. Here's the first one. See you next year.

    Tens of millions of filmmakers worldwide.

    There may not even be a theater where you can bet that much. Your creativity will explode. And that's when it's going to start to emerge from an exploding creative space as to how do I explain what values I'm asserting that I need to see what's mine. Until now it's been very difficult for the audience to choose because there's been very little supply. Now that the supply has skyrocketed, it'll be hard for the inmates to find it. Then what I need to do now is deep down in my heart.

    You need to refine your thinking system to create something that's overwhelming to the eye. All of these changes will ultimately lead to a change in our bigger mind. These are the parts

    and globalization, adapting to that, and even more, globalizing locally, and beyond species, new areas of negotiation are being turned on. This is changing a little bit in real time, and in just a few years, unmanned kiosks have started serving other life forms. All of these changes, I think, at the end of the day, we're smart enough to look for opportunities to follow them and to develop our own ideas and to go forward and to engage with consumers and to get a greater form of wisdom. So our hard work will be mitigated. The problem is

    If your job is a part of that hard work, we are inevitably going to have to deal with the diminishing of our influence. So look at it and don't do what the machine can do. It's just a reason that we're going to get to the structure where not only does he grow more, but we have to like it. In that case, what we need to do is maintain a deep thought system in the direction of change, test the current technology once in a while, and find a way to harmonize our choices and awareness of what we can use and what they can't.

    We need to think about how we can grow more to create new forms of contribution. When you see this change, you think,

    A more efficient area. So instead of me being the target of that efficiency, we can rearrange ourselves again so that through efficiency, I can multiply my capabilities even more. One of the things I've learned is if you've been valid on the system so far, see if you can make it valid on the new system. And then if you can make a new sign bigger and better than this technology is acceptable, then that's what you want to do. So I've seen this new form of combination of capability and technology that's in me

    In the future, if you align it with the social change that's happening now, the greater capabilities that are within you are going to come very quickly to the point where it's going to become a reality. Look at it, observe it, understand the change. It's not about individuality. It's more about the overall movement flow. It's going. It's connecting.

    I'm getting more intelligent. We're getting more comfortable. So on that line, what is it that I am to every single one of my entire society? I can respond to what people want. I can give them what they want. But there has to be something that you want to do, so when that happens, we call it karate. If you think about what people want, what you want to do, and the interface when you connect the dots, you can explain to them that each person has a lot of opportunities. The work seems to be coming to an end.

    If I've been selling my time, I'm not selling my time, I'm selling my creativity. If I've been in a position and I've been there for a few hours as a reward for my existence, that's not the case, it's the fact that wherever I am, I can prove myself through results. Then it's clear. What I'm giving you has to have value.

    It's possible by the position of time, but if it's not, and I have to sell the results while I'm gone, then I have to look at what I've created and see if it's worth what anyone thinks. So always think about it. I don't have to go to work?

    And if what I give you makes you valuable, what would you give me? What?

    It becomes clearer. If it's truly worth giving without ever having to meet someone, then what am I going to do? So keep watching your own output. And now it's been augmented and there are so many technologies out there that people are able to use it, even children as young as five years old. So if we can conclude that these people will contribute in more forms, you will live and co-exist with them from now on. That's why we've been able to live together

    If you make the transition from being hands and feet to being able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to be able to use those tools that you selected in the past in an automated or augmented form, then everybody's going to be able to go in with no exceptions. Finally, the tools for the spirit of our life started to change. That's why we're carefully trying to find out if we can create something better by collaborating with someone who's more like a colleague than a fan.

    If they can make it easier for us, we'll be excited to see how much time we have and how much creative work we can do. And then intelligence started exploding. So how do we, not only in today's intelligence industry, but in all industries, accept this new form of intelligence, create new value for it, and prove that I'm that much more?

    They are people who have created their own narratives. They are people who have stacked up their own products and created new inventions by exchanging them with humanity. The most competitive product is buying. Your record of growth and frustration is built because it's your one and only narrator. It's not ours, it's yours. And that's when you get to work.

    If not, think about how to combine these new forms of intelligence to create a bigger story.

    You are precious. So don't lose yourself and augment. And write all of that down and think about how can I continue to build my stuff consistently if my stuff is going to build me.

    We're becoming the Maritime Police. I'm trying too. We're becoming the Maritime Police together. Thank you.

    Thank you for your wonderful announcement.

    It's been a meaningful time to learn about the nuclear age of living as a personal brand.

    If you've applied for mentoring beforehand, please go to the mentoring area. If you'd like to participate in the King of Review event, please send us your photo and message via the official website.

    In just a few moments, Builders Insight will begin at 11.

    Contestants, please remain seated until 11:00 p.m. after the break.

    Thank you.