So last but not least let's bring out our last speaker, so let's bring out our speaker.

    Falling in love with korea fall in love with culture

    Please welcome him with a round of applause. Please welcome him.

    Please welcome him.

    Hello everyone. Can everyone can you hear me OK? Can you hear me OK?

    They. They.

    Hello, everyone.

    I'm sorry, but there are foreigners in Shinra, so I'm going to use this to connect.

    I'm going to connect with this.

    Thank you for your understanding. Thank you for your understanding.

    Hello everyone hello everyone. My name is Despine. My name is Despina Glitzman.

    And I and I am the deputy I am the deputy leader at the leader at Seoul starts Seoul startups and welcome reps and welcome to today's talk to today's talk about about building a start up building a start up community community in Korea. The soul the soul start up story start up story.

    So so.

    How many of you?

    How many of you have actually heard you have actually heard about, heard about soul startups? Soul startups? Can you raise, Can you raise your hand if you have, Your hand if you have?

    No, no. Oh, one person, 01 person. Yes. Yes. Thank you. Thank you.

    Well, not. Well, not to brag to brag guys, but guys, but.

    We're actually, we're actually Korea's biggest Korea's biggest Internet, international startup community, national startup community.

    So So what is our mission? What is our mission? Our mission is our mission is to create. To create.

    South Korea's South Korea's biggest, biggest and most and most inclusive, Inclusive community for community, for startups.

    Startups. That means that means anyone is welcome, Anyone is welcome, whether you're whether you're a foreigner, a Korean foreigner, a Korean, an entrepreneur in an entrepreneur, or a student or a student. Everyone is everyone and everything is well and everything is welcome.

    So as you so as you can see this you can see this is down here, this is down here this is.

    This is where we started, where we started up there, up there is where we are now. It is where we are nowadays. So, so we've grown, we've grown exponentially from potentially from 2019 and 2019 and two.

    Memen Members, jobre food sublime.

    To over 5000 members, 5000 members today and that today. And that's what we're going to be taught. That's what we're going to be talking about today, talking about today.

    What do we what do we offer? Well, offer well.

    Actually, actually, we we are. We are.

    Platform platform that is made form that is made from founders by from founders by founders.

    Founders So here you have so here you have a bit of an, a bit of an example of the equal example of the ecosystem that exists, a system that exists in Seoul right now, in Seoul right now or in or in Korea generally. Korea generally. And and something that something that makes us stand out, makes us stand out is that we are complete that we are completely self, completely self funded. So, so we that.

    We that was a big, was a big.

    Road roadblock when we were first block, when we were first started because started because actually actually no one wanted to no one wanted to support us. Support us because they didn't know about us. Because they didn't know about us. So how did we create. So how did we create this community Create this community. That's what we're here to talk about. That's what we're here to talk about today. About today. When I say we're when I say we're from founders. From founders by found 4-5. Found four founders by founders. Founders by founders. I am also, I am also a founder.

    Founder So I so I understand some. I understand some. I'm not in the tech like I'm not in the tech like all of you guys. All of you guys. But I understand. But I understand some of the stand, some of the struggles and everything struggles and everything that foundering that founders and interpreters and entrepreneurs might be going through might be going through and that is the and that is the purpose of the purpose of soul startups. The soul startups.


    So as I mentioned, as I mentioned.

    And it hasn't always been, it hasn't always been easy, right and easy right. So, so we actually made it into, we actually made it into the news though because the news though because we've grown so much as we've grown so much and we've extended, we've expanded, expanded to the point that actually the point that actually now actually now not only have we not only have we been featured in the new, been featured in the news.

    News but.

    We also have the. We also have the Korean ministry, the Korean ministry of of.

    SME's companies come to us and to us and understand us and understand us and want to work with us, want to work with us so we have so we have their ear have their ear. They want to collapse. They want to collaborate with us because they great with us because they know that know that we actually we actually have a lot of have a lot of insights insights into the into the entrepreneurs my entrepreneurs mindset what do interprets what do interpreters need.


    How can we make, How can we make Korea a really big platform, really big platform for form, for foreign entrepreneurs, foreign entrepreneurs to come here, come here.

    Umm so, so you can do it guys. Do it guys. It can happen. It can happen. You can go from nothing. You can go from nothing to thing to actually working, actually working with ministries, with ministries in in the in the country.

    So so.

    Let's talk a little bit about let's talk a little bit about a community. Community. When we say when we say community community, why do you why why do you why is it even important? Is it even important you're probably here think you're probably here thinking but but Despina.

    Spina Youll.

    A startup, You're a startup community. We act community. We actually run businesses. We run businesses. It's a very, it's a very different ball game, very different ball game. And that is true. And that is true.

    We build it for different. We build it for different reasons and reasons and there's different things and there's different things that go into it that go into it, yes, but yes, but.

    In a in a world where customers world where customers now crave is now crave interaction.

    And more than any, more than anything and thing and connection. Connection, building a strong, building a strong community is actually unity is actually going to be a game, going to be a game changer for your changer, for your company, your company. It is a must, it is a must. Nowadays, Nowadays actually, especially actually, especially given where the trend, given where the trends are going are going for the younger generation, for the younger generations, you almost.

    Can't live without, can't live without it.

    Right. So especially so especially for, for brands like I meant brands like I mentioned.

    Normal, normal marketing and ads. Marketing and ads don't work anymore. Don't work anymore, do you? Do you? Who watches? Who watches ads? Put your hand at ads. Put your hand up. Anyone up. Anyone. No, no. We all skip it. We all skip it, right? No one cares it, right? No one cares anymore.

    So how do you engage? How do you engage people? How do you people, how do you get grab their, grab their attention?

    By creating and by creating an actual community, actual community around your product, around your product and your brand and your brand, you will have to, you will have people that listen, people that listen you will, you will be able to be able to grab people's hearts, grab people's hearts. So, so why is that even? Why is that even important?

    Important Well, you get some, well, you get some benefits out of this. Benefits out of this actually quite a few actually quite a few benefits. Benefits first of all cost. First of all costs like I'm like I mentioned as an example, mentioned as an example, ads will add.

    Are very costly, are very costly.

    Whereas if you whereas if you work, you work with the community that with the community that can be very can be very cost effective and use effective and you will gain a lot of things. You will gain a lot of things that I will being said, I will be talking about as talking about as a list for a list further on, just now, further on just now but the but the focus.

    Focus with community, market, community, marketing and bidding and building your community. Building your community is actually rich is actually retaining retaining the customers you, all customers you already have and crew already have, and creating that relationship, dating that relationship with them with them.

    You you create create loyalty, loyalty so customers, so customers that feel that feel that they are, that they are listened to.

    And two, that they belong, that they belong somewhere, somewhere they will stay, they will stay, they will become repeat, they will become repeat customers and repeat customers. And that is what you want. That is what you want. You want you want people to talk about, people to talk about you. You want people to, you want people to become your brand about become your brand ambassadors. That I'll talk about, that I'll talk about a bit later, is about a bit later as well as well.

    Customer retention.

    Well, apparently, according apparently according to some research to some research, if you if you increase, you increase customer customer retention rates by retention rates by just five, just 5% percent, you could increase, you could increase your profits, your profits by 25 by 25 to 95 to 95%.

    5% that's all it takes. That's all it takes. So having so having a community or having a community around your product, around your product, like I said, like I said, I'm, I'm not I'm, I'm not going to be quiet about this, going to be quiet about this. I'm going to like shot this, I'm going to like shout it from the rooftops, shout it from the rooftops. Building your community, building your community is incredibly is incredibly important and validly important and valuable label loyal customers with loyal customers will keep coming back, keep coming back.

    Not not only that, I not only that I mentioned also the generation, also the generational issues, organizational issues.

    Earlier, so you have earlier. So you have now, just now, Gen. Z millennial, Gen. Z millennials. I'm a millennial, I'm a millennial.

    And we relate to and we relate to products, complete products, completely different than, completely different than the previous generation, the previous generation did. We want, we want to see real see real value. We want to see value. We want to see real people do, real people doing real thing, being real things.

    We want things. We want that connection. We want connection. We want to feel, want to feel like the brand. Like the brand cares about us and cares about us and gives a **** and gives a ****. Sorry to be blunt. I'm sorry to be blunt about it. About it.

    Creating brand, creating brand advocates, advocates.

    By creating, by creating a community, you add a community you actually actually.

    Do the advertise, do the advertise. It does the advertising. It does the advertising for you, me, for you, me, for instance. For instance. There is a company. There is a company that I won't, that I won't shut up about.

    They're called Tropic fields, called Tropic Feel. They do, they do sustainable, sustainable.

    Well, well, well.

    Sorry, they do. Sorry, they do. They do. They do like backpacks and like backpacks and shoes and travel shoes and travel gear for gear for travelers that are travelers that want to go from urban, Want to go from urban to highland to hiking, for instance. Hiking for instance. I won't stop talking. I won't stop talking about them. Am I talking about them? Am I being paid? No. I'm being paid. No. No. And actually and actually 70.

    75% of 5% of consumers.

    Consumers will trust, will trust recommendations from recommendations from their social cycle and their social cycle. Circle circle. Sorry, that's us. Sorry that's us. If we talk, if we talk to our friends about something, to our friends about something. I have something I have convinced friends to convince friends to check out. Drop a check out drop it feels website and buy fields website and buy from them, buy from them. So like I said, so like I said building that community, building that community and loyalty will be in loyalty will be invaluable to you, invaluable to you.

    And you and lastly, possibly product innovation, product innovation, especially if you, especially if you're in the field, if you're in the field of tech tech, product innovation is, product innovation is very important, it's very important.

    Oh, oh, sorry. Yeah. There's like a sorry. Yeah, there's like a just just press the. Just press the. Thank you. Thank you.

    Thank you.


    So umm, so community. Community is actually an unity is actually an invaluable, invaluable opportunity for opportunity for you to get feed you, to get feedback, direct feedback, direct feedback on your product, back on your product. And to help and to help create better, create better products for them that will products for them that will sell better, sell better. So, so not only that, only that, not only that, but nowadays, but nowadays people expect people expect you to listen to that you to listen to them.


    We are bougie now. We are bougie now. We love to be, we love to be heard. We heard. We think we know better. We think we know better. We are the customer, We are the customer. So we do know better. So we do know better. So we want, so we want a brand to take a brand to take us seriously and seriously and that's where the community, that's where the community will really cut kick in, kick in and help you create the and help you create the greatest product, Not only this product, not only that people that.

    People start talking. People start talking about how you about how you can solve problems and solve problems.

    Taking away, taking away.

    Work from your work, from your actual company to actual company, to have to answer, have to answer those questions or those questions.

    So that's nice. So that's nice to Spina, but what's Espina? But what? What did you guys, what did you guys actually do actually do so?

    So how does Soul, how does Seoul startups build its startups, build its community, Community. We like, we like I said, we started like I said, we started completely small. So completely small. So you know, you wouldn't even believe, wouldn't even believe. So, so, so Soul startup started because startups started because five has five people gathered, people gathered together in a bar together in a bar on a random night out, a random night out.

    And we're told, and we're talking about talking about.

    Oh man, oh man. Soul. Soul does not have, does not have any community, any community for for startups or startups, there is no, there is no ecosystem system. There's no one to come. There's no one to complain to. There's no one complain to. There's no one to talk to about our point, to talk to about our problems. Problems. What the fudge, What can we what the fudge what can we do about this. What we do about this and and so.

    So then that's how the then that's how the idea came to be. The idea came to be. They were like like why don't we do it, why don't we do it? No one else is it. If no one else is doing it, that's doing it, let's do it and do it. And that same evening, that same evening we build, we build our slack channel, our Slack channel channel.

    Shout out to Slack. Shout out to Slack also Also really famous for Billy. Famous for building their community and building their community and expanding through that, expanding through that.

    And and just just did it. We did it. We just went there. We just went there. We just did. It did.

    But it's E Harbin.

    How did we grow? We actually just started. We actually just started inviting, inviting friends. It was, it was just a small, just a small channel, a small channel, inviting friends, inviting friends. Those friends, invited their friends, invited their friends, friends. Those friends saw. Those friends saw the value. And what were the value and what we were adding, we were adding, invited their friends, invited their friends. And the word of man and the word of mouth made it growth, made it grow and grow and grow.

    And grow and and especially.

    Especially foreign entrepreneur, foreign entrepreneurs, incurs in Korea, have been Hungarian, have been hungry for hungry.

    Community to get community to gather around to be gather around to be honest, honest, it's already it's already hard to crack. Hard to crack in in the, in the, in in in, in the system, the system. But there's some, but there's so many questions, so many questions that are unresolved, so that are unresolved. So many things you can do. Many things you can do with the community, with the community. Which is where souls, which is where soul start up, comes in, start up comes in.

    So so.

    We've now grown. We've now grown like I said from own, like I said, from 200 and 2200 and 20/19/2019 to 5000 to 5000 today.

    We just started by. We just started by posting events, by posting events. That's it. That's.

    That's all the platform. That's all the platform did at first, did at first.

    Now, now we do, we do. We have Slack channel. We have Slack channels for channels, for Visa question, Visa questions, for jobs, for job advertisements, advertisements. People have gotten jobs. People have gotten jobs through soul starts, through soul startups, startups. People have people have created partners, created partnerships through ships, through soul startups.

    Umm, they've created companies. We created companies because they got inspired, because they got inspired or they heard or they saw something and saw something and said we want to change. Said we want to change it ourselves, so change it ourselves. So let's do it. Let's do it so, so.

    This, this is, this is, this is how we started. This is how we started. And this is, and this is the need that we, the need that we really focus, really focused on. We listen to it on. We listen to the people we created, the people we created, events and events. We started, we started, we started, we started listening to what people listening to what people wanted. We wanted. We heard oh, we heard oh, there's a new there's a need for global event, need for global events in Seoul.

    so so

    So so in doing in doing that for instance that for instance.

    How to survive as a Star How to survive as a startup in COVID 9 Startup in COVID-19 was the was the first of its kind, First of its kind at the time. At the time it was the IT was the first event, 1st event that had global that had global international speaker, international speakers and an online event. Online event in Korea, in Korea, during COVID, During COVID.

    So so.

    We we also have also have something called the something called the like like.

    Satisfaction surveys, faction survey where where we actively we actively engage our community Engage our community which is another which is another important thing that you important thing that you always need to consider. You always need to consider who is your who is your community, how do you talk community, how do you talk to them best.

    To them best so we so we have these questions, have these questions set of questions, set of questions. We get information we get information in listening and listening to what ping to what people need people need and want at the time and want at the time. That's how we time. That's how we expanded expanded all of the things that were all of the things that we're doing we created we're doing we created hackathons hackathons around around how to build a how to build a start up.

    We start up, we created.


    Pitching. Pitching events.

    Fence. We work now with We work now with Founders. Founders live an Internet, an international.

    Platform that form that fosters fosters support for support for.

    Burgeoning starting starting startups, startups and we collaborate and we collaborate with them, create with them. Creating pitching events. Creating pitching events so that people can win. So that people can win prizes and.

    And and try to pitch to try to pitch to a global audience, to a global audience.

    So, so yeah, so and the yeah, so and the biggest win I was biggest win I would say that we've managed to say that we've managed to do is to to bring values, bring values to the people that is the people. That is really the aim, really the aim here that you need to hear that you need to really.

    Really look at look at what? What am I bringing to the? Am I bringing to the table for table for my customer, My customer? Why should they? Why should they listen to me? Why should they listen to me? Why should they be engaged in the be engaged in the 1st place first place?

    So so I wanted to. I wanted to and on that note and on that note.

    These are also some of these are also some events we're currently home events were currently hosting like I said, founding. Like I said, Founders live, Founders live.

    Umm, every month we have, every month we have a community event. The community event to make sure to make sure we engage with our we engage with our community live, community live. Not just online, not just online. We engage in, we engage with them on our slap, chat with them on our slack channel, everyday channel every day. But but we also, we also understand there's a need, understand there's a need for human connection, for human connection. That's why community and that's why community is so important, right, So important, right. That's why we're all here. That's why we're all here. We create.

    We crave that connection, leave that connection. We need to, we need to meet new people, meet new people, connect, connect, understand each other, understand each other. So we so we do that and do that and foster meaningful converse or meaningful conversation. So it's nice ation. So it's not just a networking, not just a networking event.

    We actually have a whole. We actually have a whole spiel around it where spiel around it where we where we create little groups, create little groups.

    Have like, have like meaningful discussion, meaningful discussions. If you want, if you want come by, come by, join our slot channel, join our slot channel and come to the next one, Come to the next one which is about next one which is about culture, culture.

    But but the main point that the main point that I wanted to make, that I wanted to make is who is who is your community is your community and why? And why should they listen to you? Should they listen to you? Why are why are they here?

    They hear I wanted to show. I wanted to show you what show you what we've Oh, sorry, sorry.

    What we've come up with, what we've come up with, which is, which is the minimum, is the minimum of viable community, viable community. A lot of you will be, a lot of you will probably be aware, probably be aware of, of the business model, the business model. Canvas, right. Canvas. Right. Nothing. Nothing new to anyone here, new to anyone here. I see you nodding. I see you nodding. So I appreciate that. So I appreciate that. Talking, preaching to that. Talking, preaching to the choir. To the choir.

    So we've revamped, so we've revamped it to also did it to also look at.

    Look at what is the minimum, what is the minimum viable community, viable community that we want to build, that we want to build.

    So, So what is the, what is the purpose? Why purpose? Why should this community, should this community exist, exist, this is like this is like, this is full track, this is full transparency, this is transparency. This is what we did in our lab, we did in our last round, last round for this year, for 20, for this year, for 2024.

    24 So we want, so we want to continue.

    Continue to create, to create a safe environment, A safe environment for entrepreneurs. We want it for entrepreneurs. We want to be the biggest star, to be the biggest startup community.

    Community bridge, the bridge, the gap, these are the things are the things that we want to work that we want to work on. So so the question then the question then to you is to you is what what does your perfect, does your perfect community look like Community look like.

    Then then secondly, secondly who?

    This year.

    4 This is for this is for anyone, anyone who's anyone. Anyone who's multicultural, open, multicultural, open minded, minded.



    What values do we want do we want represented in our presented in our group group. What things will we. What things will we definitely not definitely not tolerate if some tolerate. If someone goes one goes a right, like goes a right like goes rogue and goes rogue. In the group chat. In the group chat you're out if you're out if you don't represent these values, you don't represent these values values. That is not acceptable. That is not acceptable. And we make sure to acceptable and we make sure to communicate that to communicate that to our members.

    Members, then then.

    Success definition. Success definition what what what is success? Is success in this, in this community that you're building unity that you're building a building. It could be for you to be for you to go from zero, go from zero to 200 to 200 in the first year. In the first year or in the first six or in the first six months. Want months. It could be that you. It could be that you want to.

    To have an event, have an event and have X amount of people have X amount of people there, people there. It could be, it could be that you want to that you want to create create those random those brand ambassadors that I mentioned pastors that I mentioned before and have PB4 and have people raise their hand, people raise their hand to talk about your plan, to talk about your product and product and see how that see how that spirals.

    Spirals. Umm. So yeah, this is so yeah, this is just a bit of a just a bit of an example.

    Example on on what that could look like, what that could look like and I'm happy to say and I'm happy to send it also.

    And it also if anyone, if anyone would like to reach out, would like to reach out and work and work on this together, suck on this together or something, just let me know something. Just let me know. I'm more than happy to do. I'm more than happy to do that together. Do that together.

    And lastly, what I also want lastly, what I also wanted to talk about, wanted to talk about is, is failure because failure because I think that's something that I think that's something that a lot of us has spent a lot of us especially maybe.

    Actually maybe around here around here don't talk about, don't talk about. And failure and failure can be can be our biggest, our biggest asset. It's what we learn, it's what we learn from learn from. So what are some of So what are some of the projects that the projects that didn't didn't work out so work out. So we did we did hackathons and work hackathons and workshops, but we haven't shops, but we haven't done them in a while done them in a while.

    Why? Why? We're actually, we're actually understaffed, so staffed. So we need to, we need to. And as I said, we are. And as I said, we are not publicly funded, not publicly funded. We are funded. We are all volunteers, all volunteers. We need to understand, we need to understand what are our priorities, What are our priorities.

    What is the minimum, what is the minimum viable product that we're double product that we're going to be putting out there, going to be putting out there. What do we have here, What do we have to drop, So to drop. So that's why some of these. So that's why some of these things like networking and things like networking and mentoring, we used to mentoring, we used to do mentoring.

    Mentoring. It had to follow. It had to fall away, unfortunately, unfortunately.

    Matching dates matching dates was a great idea. Was a great idea.

    Startup cafe, startup cafe. They're just they're just all these things that all these things that I just I I'm just, I'm just mentioning this because I'm mentioning this because I wanted to also because I wanted to also be transparent and free Transparent and for you to know it's not easy. For you to know it's not easy. You're gonna have easy. You're gonna have ideas that fail. Have ideas that fail and that's OK.

    And that's OK. Because you're gay. Because you're trying. You're trying. You need to try all you need to try all these different things to see these different things to see what sticks, what's gonna what sticks, What's gonna stick on the wall. Stick on the wall for when you, for when you throw it. When you throw it.

    For your for your community, your community, Every community, every community is different. Community is different. And you need to find your, you need to find your niche for it, niche for it. That's how you get, that's how you get going. What is your going? What is your niche?

    Be specific. What are you specific? What do you want from from You want from from your customer? Who is your customer? Who is the perfect? Is the perfect person? That person that you're trying to that you're trying to attract with this, Attract with this?

    So, yeah, so yeah.

    This is also, this is also our community, our community activity calendar, activity calendar. Just for you to see, for you to see the consistent, the consistency matters.

    See matters. So we've decided, though, we've decided to go for to go for certain events.


    Be held, it'll be held regularly, regularly. So people know, so people know what to expect, what to expect and when and when. And we make sure to and we make sure to let our our community know that community know that so that they can be, so that they can be engaged and they can be engaged and they can look forward to it and then look forward to it. And they're like, OK, we're gonna, they're like, OK, we're gonna come to this, come to this.

    Umm, So yeah, that was so yeah, that was me. Was me.

    Umm for now, for now and and if there's any if there's any questions, please questions, please let me know. Please let me know.

    But there, but there, it's also OK. It's also OK if you don't have any questions, don't have any questions.



    Well, thank you so much. Well, thank you so much for for. Oh, yeah. Oh yeah.

    We we've done, we we've done hackathons, we've done hackathons, be sorry. Thanks sorry thanks for the question thanks for the question we've done we've done hackathons before hackathons before but we were but we were going to continue going to continue doing them continue doing them.

    Currently as well. Currently as well, but because, but because we're not able. Because we're not able.


    Put enough resources, put enough resources into it. We've had to. We've had to scrap it. Scrap it.

    Yeah, yeah, yeah. Yeah.


    Exactly, exactly.

    Is there, is there anything, anything, is there anything maybe that is there anything maybe that you were wondering that what you were wondering that was unclear, was unclear or anything else or anything else? If not, if not then then we can we?

    Hey, Zen.

    Can we go?


    So, so we have, we have 5000 members, 5000 members, not others, not all of them. All of them are are volunteers with sole startups. There's just a startups, there's just a few of us, few of us. And it's because we really and it's because we really believe in, we believe in the idea, the idea behind soul, starting idea behind soul startups, that it adds startups, that it adds value to people, value to people.

    That that.

    It helps the startup. It helps the startup community and community in Korea.

    There's a lot to learn from, a lot to learn from everyone and everyone and so, so a lot of us have, a lot of us have just volunteered for that, just volunteered for that purpose. It's literally that purpose. It's literally just because, literally, just because we love helping, we love helping people in the people in the ecosystem.

    And the and the people that are, the people that are the profiles of people, profiles of people in the in the actual community is actual community is completely, very completely varied. It can go over, it can go from HR from.

    Are to hire to high tech, high tech to web developer, web developers to people to people who are just building, who are just building their their starter, their startup right now and are added up right now and are asking questions are asking questions around so So what are the visa? What are the visa requirements requirements. How can how can I get people can I get people How can I how can I hire Korean, hire Koreans, things like that.

    And things like that. So it's really, so it's really, really varied. Which is really varied, which is what the beautiful thing, what the beautiful thing is about it is about it.

    But, but that's because this is a, that's because this is a start up community, startup community. I guess like that's what I get. Like that's the difference between difference between us as the US as the startup community and the startup community and then probably and probably as a company, the company.

    Gold mirrors, why mirrors,

    Hmm, hmm.

    Because we're all. Because we're all.

    Foreigners that live in soldiers that live in Seoul and that and that really believe in the power, really believe in the power of Korea. So Korea, so Korea is is such an up and such an up and coming place for start, coming place for startups and it's really ups and it's really aiming, naming now now after a few years, after a few years at the beginning when we start the beginning when we started for instance like I started for instance like I said there was nothing there said there was nothing there, right.

    Right now the government, now the government is even seeing it is even seeing there's so much potential, there's so much potential in potential in Korea with Korea with a start up scene, the startup scene.

    They want to become, they want to become in top, Not top, not just top five, but just top five, but top but top three in the world, three in the world.

    So there is so there is a lot going on, there is a lot going on in Korea, in Korea, in this ecosystem, in this ecosystem. And because and because sole startups, sole startups and and everyone, everyone here is pure is part of it from the part of it, from the get go.

    Get go, it means we get to it means we get to have a voice, voice and a seat at the table and a seat at the table. So that's all. So that's why I also mentioned us. I also mentioned us collaborating, collaborating with the minister, with the ministry for SME's, three for SME's. Because I because I think that's really important. That's really important because it means we're important because it means we get to also help you get to also help drive.

    Any policy, any policies where we can, these where we can.

    If that, if that, does that answer your question? Does that answer your question? Yeah, question.

    Hey, that's right.

    OK, OK.

    Hello. Hello. Hello.

    Oh, sorry.

    Such a high tech, Such a high tech. Like high tech conference, High tech conference.

    So it seems there is a. So it seems there is a regular meeting that you regular meeting that you hold everyone hold every month.

    There are certain locations. There are certain location that you that you have have.

    Or or is there is there an office office that can that can be be help?

    So thank so thanks for the questions. For the question. No, the no, we don't actually, we don't actually hold it at an hold it at an office office. We try to, we try to support local support local, local local cafes and cafes and bars and solas and bars in Seoul as well. So as well. So what we do is we partner, what we do is we partner with them, with them and then bring people and then bring people there.

    There. So either it'll be a go, either it'll be a cafe because we cafe because we try to be inclusive, try to be inclusive and don't want it just and don't want it just to be about alcohol.

    What a waste of words.

    But I will, but I will with that being said are. With that being said, our next one is at a box 1 is at a bar so.

    But yeah, we look, but yeah, we look for local place or local places and we traces and we try to make them into, to make them in different areas of different areas of soul, because.

    Soul as soul as you know is huge, you know is huge and it can and it can take hours to get and take hours to get anywhere. So we wanted to wear, so we want to try to make it, you know, try to make it, you know, not just one place, not just one place that you have to place that you have to like run to every run to every time.

    Like different time but like different. So different people, different so different people can access it, can access it at different at different times.

    Thank you. Thank you.

    Thank you so much. Thank you so much everyone much everyone. This has been really great. This has been really great.

    How did the owner of a Seoul start-up predict how a commercial land would grow? Let's give a round of applause to the vice president of Despiner, who gave a passionate presentation, and the vice president of Despiner, Ms. Oh. Please. Apply for mentoring beforehand, so if you applied for torching, please move to the next location. Please.

    We're also hosting a King of Review event where we provide a coffee gift card, a King of Review card, so please don't forget that we're hosting, and please don't forget to come, and please don't forget to come, and thank you. We sincerely thank you for participating in this ball company.

    This has been the AI Announcer Code. Thank you. Thank you.